Janet McGee Saunders
Founder & Top Cat, unltd.com

"Truth in Advertising" Makes for Smooth and Flip Flop Pretty Feet!

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Posted: over 10 years ago | Views (6632) | Comments (0)

I know summer is already well underway.  Some folks would say it's almost over!  That being said, for those who didn't check out the effectiveness of the "Listerine, vinegar, and warm water foot soak" that went viral pre-summer ... trust me - IT WORKS!  How many of us have done the "warm water foot soak with a little oil or soap and then apply cream after" routine time after time in an effort to find a path back to pretty feet with no dry, rough skin, only to find that the results are just not too satisfactory?  (Guys ... we know you're reading this also!)  You get the tootsies soaked, you cream them up, and apply the nail polish.  It looks good and the feet "feel" good for a couple of days.  If you keep slathering on the cream day after day, the effect lasts longer.  But soon enough the rough patches on the heels and around the toes rear their ugly heads and you're back to square one!

Well, like everybody else, I saw the viral post about the home remedy "miracle" soak when it first surfaced earlier this year and saved it for future reference.  The soak consisted of 1/4 cup Listerine (blue was preferable), 1/4 cup white or apple cider vinegar, and warm water ... also 1/4 cup (althougth that amount would barely cover the toes!)

Finally, I got a spare minute and tried it.  Well, first I "got prepared" to try it.  Had to go purchase the Listerine.  Big difference in the price ... about $2.00 ... between the Listerine Brand and the "house" brand.  I opted for the cheaper variety of the blue "Listerine" ... the ingredients were the same.  When I got home, I took the big stainless bowl (usually reserved for huge batches of potato salad) and into it I put the required amounts of blue "Listerine", apple cider vinegar, and enough warm water to cover the feet and went into "soak mode" for about 10 minutes.  I then took a washcloth and gave the feet a good rubdown (not forgetting to get into the spaces between the toes), keeping them submersed in the water while doing so.  Lo and behold, the years of layers of dry skin JUST MELTED AWAY!

A little cream (no mineral oil, please) and two coats of nail polish later, I and my feet were happy campers.  And I am also happy to report that a month later, with no daily cream added into the mix, THEY ARE STILL SOFT ... heels and all!  Which also means I don't have to be concerned about sliding into the "open air" sandals.  So - if you've been wondering and waiting ... "just do it" as "the company" says!  It feels wonderful. 

A little more checking on the subject and I found out that the concoction is also a good remedy if you're having troubles with foot fungus ... either on the skin or the nails themselves.  Given the ingredients, it makes sense.  So, not only will you have pretty and flip flop ready feet, you'll have healthy ones too!












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