Recipe sharing has become a favorite online activity.  (I plead guilty.)  The Food Channel is a fixture in many of our homes and on our media devices.  Chefs are reigning celebrities.  Who would have ever thunk it?  If you look back, however, to what topics made magazines popular ... all the way back to the 1600s (!) .. it was topics that revolved around homemaking and the domestic "arts" ... chief of which was cooking...
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With all the pots and pans I've scrubbed over the decades and with all the S.O.S pads that graced the soapdish over our kitchen sink for years, I never knew - but wondered ... when it occured to me to wonder about it - what the S.O.S stood for or the origin of the name for those scruffy little pads. Until today.  But first ... the back story. In San Francisco, in 1917, a salesman...
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